I was at #TRAP last week.

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momo -

I was at #TRAP last week. TRAP [0] is a circus space that is placed in Vienna, Austria. This place was wonderful to train. There were three rooms, but I was only using the hall. The project is a habiTAT [1] project which is supporting and realizing self-organized and socially bound apartment building projects.

The people training at TRAP were very friendly. One of them was lending me their bicycle to be able to fetch some food from the nearby supermarket. I met people I knew from circus conventions years ago. It was a good training atmosphere at the space. Everybody was working on their projects and being supportive to each other. In the small entrance/chill area people hang around chatting and eating.

I would love to have such a place where I live. Thanks to TRAP for this wonderful project. When you are in Vienna and want to train some circus consider visiting this lovely circus space.

[0] https://circus-trap.org/
[1] https://habitat.servus.at/?page_id=14


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