Cole Perkinson

Started juggling 1996

I am the president of the MIT Student Juggling Club and head festival director of the Boston Juggling Festival. I am also a fourth year Physical Chemistry PhD candidate at MIT researching ways to reduce thermalization losses in solar cells. You'll usually find me with my hands inside a nitrogen glovebox fabricating small optical and electronic devices, or firing lasers at small organic molecular crystals and trying to measure their optoelectronic properties. I juggle several hobbies and extracurricular activities, including strategy board game design, environmental stewardship and sustainability-oriented project development, sailing, rock climbing, hiking, skiing, and (duh) juggling! I learned to juggling at Reed College in Portland, Oregon, where I have attended the Portland Juggling Festival from a very young age. I've been told I was juggled as a child, but I see no evidence that that has affected my lifestyle choices as an adult...


Anzahl Beiträge im Forum: 2

Rekorde eingetragen: 6


Aktivitäten Übersicht für Cole Perkinson



0 zukünftige Veranstaltungen
2 vergangene Veranstaltungen

Total time spent at juggling festivals: 6 days

Juggling organisations