ジャパン ジャグリング フェスティバル 2024 (Japan Juggling Festival 2024)

(JJF 2024 to its friends)

All juggling events in 2024
Juggling events in Japan‎, 2024


Samstag, 14 September 2024 to Montag, 16 September 2024


Arcrea Himeji, Kamiyacho, Himeji-city, Hyogo, 670-0836



Other events that happened at JJF 2024

Fight Night Combat Tournament


Japan Juggling Festival (JJF) is the largest juggling convention in Japan organised by Japan Juggling Association.

JJF is an annual festival exclusively for jugglers, organised by jugglers. It brings together juggling enthusiasts of all levels - from beginners to amateurs and professionals - in one place to enjoy juggling as an art, sport, and recreational activity from various angles.

The festival was first held in Tokyo in 1999 and has since been held every year in different locations throughout Japan. The 26th edition of JJF is scheduled to take place this year, in 2024. The festival's concept is built around core ideas as below;

Opportunity for jugglers to come together, socialise, practise, and exchange information.
It offers a space where jugglers can interact freely, attend workshops to learn new techniques and theories, participate in juggling-related games, and showcase their skills in open performance sessions etc..

Advancing the level of juggling in Japan.
The highlight of JJF is the "Championships Stage," where performers showcase their skills and compete based on their level of skill, originality, and more. Through this competition, the festival aims to encourage jugglers to brush up their skills and contribute to the development of juggling in Japan.

Promoting the development of Japan's juggling culture
By hosting guest stages featuring talented performers from both domestic and international scenes, we contribute to the promotion and elevation of Japan's juggling culture, as well as enhancing its recognition.

JJF2024 resolution: To establish a system that can continue to host JJF in the future.

We believe that JJF made a significant contribution to the growth of juggling in Japan. We aspire to create a system that ensures the stable and continued holding of JJF. In order to increase the bar for our operations, we'll work to improve a variety of events to draw in more attendees. We'll also try to improve operational efficiency and human resource development.

Who went

JJF 2024 elsewhere on the Edge

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