Introduction to meditation and performance - weekend workshop

(Introduction to meditation and performance to its friends)

All juggling events in 2023
Juggling events in Großbritannien‎, 2023


Samstag, 10 Juni 2023 to Sonntag, 11 Juni 2023


Limehouse Old Town Hall, 646 Commercial Road, London, E14 7HA.



07889 796916



I shall be running a two day workshop exploring the relationship between the four 'Positive Emotion' type meditations that I teach and circus performance skills.

Each day will include two meditation sessions of about thirty five minutes each followed by a practice session where we can explore what effect the meditation experience has on our performance skills. Please bring along any performing equipment you are likely to need for each practice session. Each day will include a one hour break for lunch at around 1pm. I am planning to bring in a large Pizza to share for lunch, however you might like to either bring a packed lunch to have in the hall or make other arrangements, I hope to have a facility for making hot drinks also. The day will conclude after a 'reporting out' and discussion session at 4:30 pm.

PLEASE NOTE: You will need to book a place on the workshop with me beforehand as places will be limited. The cost will be £70 for the two days (£50 concessions) if this is beyond your means please set me know. I am not on social media but can be contacted by email or mobile for booking a place and further details.

I hope you can make it along.


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Introduction to meditation and performance elsewhere on the Edge

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