Nederlands Jongleer Festival 2024

(NJF 2024 to its friends)

All juggling events in 2024
Juggling events in Niederlande‎, 2024


Donnerstag, 9 Mai 2024 to Sonntag, 12 Mai 2024


Sportcentrum Arcus, Campuslaan 14, 6602 HX Wijchen


This is NJF - Nederlands Jongleer Fest event.

Other events that happened at NJF 2024

Fight Night Combat Tournament


The NJF is the largest yearly juggling convention in the Netherlands. This year around it will have a "vintage" theme. Bring your old tracksuits, vinyl records and polaroid camera to join us for four days of fun!

Who went

NJF 2024 elsewhere on the Edge

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