New Zealand Juggling Festival 2019

(Nzjf2019 to its friends)

All juggling events in 2019
Juggling events in Neuseeland‎, 2019


Donnerstag, 31 Januar 2019 to Sonntag, 3 Februar 2019


Aongatete Outdoor Education Centre. Bay of Plenty. 834 Wright Road, Aongatete, 3178



This is NZJA event.

Other events that happened at Nzjf2019

Fight Night Combat Tournament


Hey Hey Hey
Welcome to the 2019 New Zealand Juggling and Circus Festival.

This year your host is Tauranga Juggler Jason Butler. Jason has been involved with the festival for several years and has decided 2019 is the right year to take the festival to the gorgeous Bay of plenty.

Our venue is the Beautiful Aongatete Outdoor Education centre which is nestled in the native bush of the expansive Kaimai Ranges. It features an all night juggling hall, confidence course, swimming hole and more nature than you can shake a devil stick at.

Camping ⛺️
There are loads for cute camping spots all around the site. Check out their facebook: Aongatete Outdoor Education Centre

Shows ✨
Expect a fantastic gala show, a rowdy renegade and if last year is anything to go by there may be an open stage or two popping up.


Who went

Nzjf2019 elsewhere on the Edge

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