(مهرجان سيرك فلسطين to its friends)
All juggling events in 2018
Juggling events in Palästina, 2018
Donnerstag, 27 September 2018 to Freitag, 5 Oktober 2018
Several international groups are to participate in the second Palestine Circus Festival, set to take place in 32 locations across the occupied West Bank, which will be held under the slogan “United for Freedom.”
International circus teams from Argentina, the United Kingdom, Chile and France are going to participate in the Palestine Circus Festival, with more than 12 performancesز
The festival is scheduled to start from September 27th until October 6th, and will be touring 32 locations that include Jerusalem, Ramallah, al-Bireh, Nablus, Hebron, Bethlehem, Jenin, Tulkarm, Birzeit and refugee camps, along with the besieged Gaza Strip, as well as Amman, Jordan’s capital.