Kinetic Fire 2014

All juggling events in 2014
Juggling events in Vereinigte Staaten‎, 2014


Donnerstag, 15 Mai 2014 to Sonntag, 18 Mai 2014


Hannon's Camp America, 8501 Camden College Corner Rd, College Corner, Ohio 45003



The premier Midwestern fire performers retreat returns for it's fourth instalment. We asked and you responded, so Kinetic Fire will be held again at Hannon's Camp America in Ohio, from May 15 - 18 2014!
Mark your calenders now to make sure you can plan on making it to the highest concentration of fire performance related awesome around!

Kinetic Fire is a 4 day fire performer’s paradise, held May 15th - 18th in College Corner, Ohio, and is designed to provide a fun and open-share communal environment in which spinners from all over the Midwest and the world can learn, teach, and advance together in the spinning arts. A sister event to FireDrums, F.L.A.M.E. and Pacific Fire, Kinetic Fire focuses heavily on a strong participant led workshop program, spread across a diverse range of object manipulation and fire related disciplines such as dance, aerials and parkour. Fire enthusiasts of all skill levels are encouraged to participate in this rare opportunity for growth and development as a fire artist, with other motivated members of the fire family.

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