10th Wheel Gymnastics World Championships

(10th WCWC to its friends)

All juggling events in 2013
Juggling events in Vereinigte Staaten‎, 2013


Montag, 8 Juli 2013 to Sonntag, 14 Juli 2013


North Park University, Chicago, Illinois




The USA Wheel Gymnastics Federation, American Sokol, and the International Wheel Gymnastics Federation (IRV) welcome you to the 10th World Championships in Wheel Gymnastics. This event, which will be held for the first time outside of Europe, will take place in Chicago, Illinois.
150 athletes from over 25 nations will participate. Competition will be divided between males and females, and junior and senior competitors. Awards will be given for best All-Around, Spirale, Straight-line, Vault, and Mono Wheel competitions.

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