"Get Your Act Together" with Donald Grant

All juggling events in 2010
Juggling events in Großbritannien‎, 2010


Montag, 18 Oktober 2010 to Donnerstag, 21 Oktober 2010


Saint Thomas Building, 74 Holywell Rd, Sheffield, South Yorkshire S4 8AS, UK




"Get your Juggling Act Together" with Donald Grant


October 19th - 22nd ● 10am - 4pm
A 4-day performance workshop for jugglers of all disciplines and experience levels, world famous Cirque du Soleil artiste, Donald Grant has been entertaining audiences around the world by throwing and catching things for over 20 years. Tighten up your street show, create a new number for a cabaret, a workshop aimed at breaking down your prejudices, opening up your potential as a performer. Areas covered include: escaping the juggling mentality, lessons to be learned from classic narrative structure, routine construction and skill selection, choosing and working with music, the professional side of show "business". Two decades worth of performing and circus school teaching condensed and refined into a four day workshop.
Price: £160/£140 members price

Greentop Circus Centre
74 Holywell rd.
Sheffield, UK
S4 8AS

Call to book on: 0114 244 8828

Be sure to check out all the master-classes we offer. If you book onto two you get the cheapest one %50 off.

Who went

"Get Your Act Together" with Donald Grant elsewhere on the Edge

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