
All juggling events in 2007
Juggling events in Ungarn‎, 2007


Dienstag, 24 Juli 2007 to Samstag, 28 Juli 2007






Five days long festival takes place in a beautiful thousand year old town: Veszprém, Hungary, Central Europe. It is located 13 km far from lake Balaton, the biggest lake in Europe.
The idea of the festival is a gathering for musicians and street musicians originally, it already has a history of 5 years. From 2006 the organisers would love to open the festival gates for streetperformers, jugglers, firejugglers, clowns, pantomime artists, dancers, street theatre, acrobats, mimes, showmen, stiltwalkers and all the different kinds of circus arts and new circus is very welcome to participate and perform.
The festival is quite big, every day 10,000 people are enjoying concerts from different regions of Hungary and Eastern Europe. The festival is free for public, takes place on the street. For street artists it is a good chance to earn money with busking (passing the hat) and in Hungary it is legal and welcome.
There is one main area given to streetperfomers and a Gym hall, free accomodation, shower, camping area, different kinds of juggling workshops.
Our aim is to invite beginners and professionals to a gathering, where we could share experience, progress our skills, make new connections, create and play together, enjoy concerts and sunshine in a beautiful place.
The concept of this convention which is based on self organization is that the workshops will develop spontaneously and include an as wide range of activities as possible. Besides juggling, art and acrobatics, we hope to see music, dance, comics and juggling props created… All workshops will be free of charge.
(Since the convention is based on self organisation we will not provide selling of any professional juggling equipment).

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